What we offer
"Accelerate sustainability actions! It's good not just for the planet but also for the business" - While climate change imperatives may be driving sustainability-led transformations, pursuing the same with financial gains in mind is perfectly OK. However, one must ensure that economic development is not at the cost of social injustice or inequality.
Experiential Learning via Simulations: Embedding Sustainability in Business
"The climate crisis demands transformation. The problem is a big knowledge gap despite companies making the necessary net-zero and sustainability commitments. From talking to C-suite members of global corporations, we know climate and sustainability knowledge is noticeably lacking among most employees." - CEO of Kite Insights.
Consulting Nirmana helps to bridge this knowledge gap via running sustainability-led simulation workshops focussed on enterprise business, supply chain management (day-to-day operations, S&OP, Risk & resilience, etc.), circular economy, life cycle assessment, business transformation, climate solutions, and more depending on initial discovery & agreed on learning and development approach

Embedding Sustainability in Supply Chain Management - focus on carbon footprint optimisation.
First, learn about internal and external alignment, financial trade-offs, and the fundamental interrelations between sourcing, sales, capacity, and inventory management. Then, learn how to optimise your carbon footprint effectively in your entire value chain. Gain real-world experience in a game-based environment. Take a cross-functional approach to reduce CO2 emissions in every aspect of the supply chain, from suppliers to delivery.

Embedding Sustainability in Business - balancing with Triple Bottomline - people, planet, and profit.
The simulation engages participants in implementing a sustainable strategy for a virtual manufacturer. Participants are confronted with various real-life, real-time dilemmas and compelled to make critical decisions to maintain a fair balance between people, the planet and profit. Cross-functional alignment and strong communications are vital to setting the right priorities!

Embedding Sustainability in Procurement, Waste Reduction - focus on adopting circular economy practices in procurement.
The simulation enables participants to experience the transition from a linear to a circular value chain. Companies experience increased economic growth through circular strategies, which entail maintenance & repair, reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishment and recycling. The circular economy provides new business opportunities, examples, enter new markets (D2C), offer new / differentiating (service) propositions, create competitive advantagE, apply solutions to sustain our planet & their business.
Consulting - Embedding Sustainability aka Sustainability-led Transformations
Businesses recognise urgent imperatives to decarbonise their value chains and make them more sustainable. However, they often need help to translate these ambitions into results. The shift is familiar, but embedding sustainability in business is easier said than done. Given the potential risks, aligning all the elements to get the transformation right requires specialisation and catalysts or enablers to help companies achieve much-needed breakthroughs and sustainable long-term growth.
Consulting Nirmana, leveraging its four decades of business & transformation experiential learnings, has developed a simple yet effective approach [set of actions!] to sustainability-led transformations.
Our approach has five significant actions - a) Knowing the point of departure, b) Knowing the point of arrival, c) Gap analysis & road map to address the gaps, d) Getting on to the execution (realisation) journey, e) Post-realisation assessment & starting next with embedded learnings (continuous improvement cycle).

Understanding the Baseline Carbon Footprint
The first and foremost action is understanding the baseline carbon footprint of your business/ company/organisation. The carbon footprint covers Scope 1,2, and 3. We work with reputed carbon accounting software platforms. We leverage one for end-to-end accounting, monitoring, target setting, tracking, and reporting matching to companies' requirements & expectations.

Setting science-based emission reduction targets
We help our clients lead the way to a zero-carbon economy, boost innovation, and drive sustainable growth by setting ambitious, science-based emissions reduction targets. We leverage the resources of SBTi, a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). SBTI defines best practices in emission reductions & net-zero targets, provides technical & expert resources, and supports independent audits.

Developing a road map for embedding sustainability & decarbonisation in the business
"We urgently need more businesses to join the fight against climate change and their pledges to be credible. Companies should not make long-term promises without backing them up with short-term plans and actions" - CEO & ED of UN Global Compact.
A lot of great work is done worldwide in developing solutions addressing various types of carbon emissions. Examples include Project Drawdown's Drawdown labs, The Exponential Lab Initiative via 1.5 degrees C business playbook, Doughnut Economics, B Lab, and Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE). We take inspiration from developers of such solutions as well as local dynamics, commercial viability, and other essential factors in putting together a road map that's practical & pragmatic for our clients.